Somalia : United Arab Emirates’ SCA donates money to Underprivileged Families in Puntland
underprivileged and poor families in Garowe , Puntaland on Saturday, Oct 18, in a bid to support drought-affected and displaced families .
Efforts to reach out hundreds of families in and outside of Garowe city, have been made by the local NGOs in conjunction with a team from Puntland’s Ministry of Women Development and Family affairs.
According to an article published in the Puntland’s Ministry
of Women Development and Family affairs website’s Somali version , The SCA contributed to large sum of money at least 1060 families which every single family received an amount of $ 250.00 of the share ( a country like Somalia which too many survive on less than a dollar a day- can help these donations.)
The SCA partner of Alminhaaj Puntland Association was managed to arrange this giving out financial support event, which was invited high profile politicians from the Puntland cabinet among its profiteers were widows, divorced women and orphans.
Speaking with the media in Garowe , Anisa Abdulkader Hajimumin , Minister of Women Development and Family Affairs, said we have undeniable gratitude to our brothers of United Arab Emirates and this heartfelt attitude and generosity will further strength our historical relationship with Arab nations generally and UAE particularly.
It is not the first time that United Arab Emirates donated to their brothers of Somalia , but this donation comes after shortage of rainfalls of Gu’ season in this year and the famine widely reported in many parts of Somalia.
» It is a good example to follow other rich Arab states, which our relationship goes back to centuries to dig deeper their pockets to help these people », said Yusuf Ali Adan, a Middle-East Based human rights activist and a former Journalist .
These donations come before Puntland’s president, Abdiweli Mohammed Ali Gas, planed to pay a visit to United Arab Emirates after his return from « The Global African Invest Summit » in London this week .
To contact reporter on this story Ahmed Abdi at :